You're Fired: Thirsty Thursday


You're Fired: Thirsty Thursday

Dear Thirsty Thursday,

Welp, you came out of nowhere. All week long, I diligently embraced self-control and productivity when you showed up and derailed my entire weekend. I had plans, you know. So many plans. But you didn’t care. You were like...


You're Fired: Office Chair


You're Fired: Office Chair

Dear Office Chair,

I remember the day I first laid eyes on you. It was like we were made for each other. My two ass cheeks coming together, and your synthetic fibers, cushioning the blow as I took my first seat.



Pitch It or Ditch It: Poopy Pin

The world is full of zanies and fools who are making impossible things happen every day, but should these dewy-eyed dopes keep building up our hopes with their startup idea? You be the judge.
